
Thursday, September 20, 2018

The humble but beautiful garter stitch

Hey guys,

I just wanted to pop on and have a chat about knitting and in particular the first basic stitch that you learn called the knit or garter stitch. This stitch is so simple but can be used for lots of pieces from a scarf to even the main body of a garment.

Photo from my Pinterest Knitwear mood board

I am going to make a chunky extra long garter stitch scarf and have been looking on Pinterest for inspiration-in fact I have a whole board called 'Knitwear mood board' so if you want to see more you can pop over to that HERE.

Photo from my Pinterest knitwear mood board

Both of these scarves are knit using the garter stitch and you can see how great they look so I am excited to make one-also I am working on my cardigan at the moment and have the back and two front sections done! 

The main section of the back of the cardigan is garter stitch!

I think putting the cardigan together and the sleeves are going to be the hard part so we will see... I will update again when I get further along and I also post little updates and photos on my Instagram stories @aideenfallon.

Thanks for visiting, 

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